Hillview Fresh Flowers


At Hillview Fresh Flowers in Tweed Heads South we pride ourselves on providing fresh flowers that are delicately fragrant for bridal bouquets, and for arrangements for venues. We understand budgets can often spiral out of control, but rather than forgo your dream wedding, we’ll work with you to find ways to make your wedding flowers more affordable. The best way to manage the cost is to be flexible with your ideas and always choose flowers that are in season.

We highly recommend making a free bridal appointment to allow us to give you our undivided attention and provide you with an accurate quote. As you can imagine, our Tweed Heads store gets very busy, so we are unable to provide accurate wedding quotes over the phone or at the counter.

If you have examples of the styles of bouquets and arrangements you like, feel free to bring them with you.

Keep in mind, using seasonal flowers to recreate your ideas will help keep the cost to a minimum.

We are able to provide:


Floral hair combs

Flower crowns

Centrepieces for church & reception

Fresh flowers for cakes


Your quote includes flowers, arrangement, and delivery only as we are not involved in wedding installations.

Book your wedding consultation early to avoid disappointment. For all wedding enquiries please email us at hillviewfreshflowers@outlook.com

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